Tuesday, September 1, 2015

MLAARE -Unknown Brand

Sometimes I wonder at people.
Who look like they've been wandering around the store for a while.
And finally come up to you and ask:
"Do you carry Dog Food?" -or "Where's the Dog Food?"

I had a customer ask me such a question today.

So I politely pointed it out to them. Telling them that our Dog Food was the last five isles on the right.
O.o "What?"
The dog food is on the last five isles on the right.
From the way he spoke, it sounded like he had only believed that we would have on type of dog food here.
Oh, dear poor customer. We have like thirty different brands of food.
So I asked him, what brand he was looking for.
"I don't know, my wife told me she bought it here."
.....Well, since I have no idea who your wife is, and I can't telepathically connect to her to ask her...I have no idea what you're looking for.
He then went on to add "It had a picture of a dachshund on it, that's what my wife told me."
Okaaay..... that narrows it down to like....7 brands of dog food....
"Just show me where it is."
So I showed him a couple of different bags that had pictures of dachshunds. Or at least, pointed them out to him, he wasn't really doing well with the 'following me' concept. He wouldn't come down any of the isles.
'Give me the smallest bag." Was all he would say.
So I grabbed the smallest bag, and brought it back to him.
"Do you represent this brand?" He demanded.
O.o Uh....no. I just work here, We just carry it. 
-I'm pretty sure he was asking to see if I went to that brand in particular because I was affiliated with it. So I'd get credit for selling it to a customer, or something like that.  
No, I only grabbed that brand of dog food because I knew it had a picture of a dachshund on it. Because that was the only information you gave me on what it had.
"Is this the correct brand of food?"
I have no idea dude. Its your dog, its your bag of food, how can you live with a dog and not know what brand of food you have?!

If you're sending someone to grab things for you from the store.
You should be super specific.
"Get me 30 crickets." Is great and all...but we have large or small crickets.
"Get me a filter." Great...which one? We have twelve different brands and 3 different sizes in each brand.
"I need some fish." What kind of fish do you already have? "I don't know, they needed more fish." ....okay...well some fish would eat other fish...so you kinda need to know that.
"Go get some dog food."
What brand? What age? What flavor??
Honestly. It helps to be super specific because it makes everyone's lives easier in the long run.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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