Tuesday, September 29, 2015

MLAARE -Negativity

I was in the middle of an un fun task.
The task of checking the prepackaged crickets that were sent to us.
These containers come with around 24 crickets.
But after a week....they don't always have that many.
So I gave myself the 'fun' tasks, of going through all the boxes.
Tossing the empty ones, emptying out the ones that only had a few crickets, marking down the ones that had less than 24 to try and get them to sell.

It wasn't fun work.
Especially because I wasn't here when it was supposed to have been done last week.
Which meant....there were a ton of boxes to go through.

But it had to be done.
Yet, right in the middle of working in it.
I got a sudden jab of a headache.
It came out of nowhere.

And it really felt like someone was sending negative energy my way.
So weird.

I didn't think much towards it.
I was figuring that the smell of the crickets and the hurried pace I was going through them had put me in a tense mood and was giving me the headache.

But then, towards the end.
I looked up.
And saw one of our new hires...
Standing there.
Staring at me.
Just staring at me.

Such a weird thing.
And when I moved out of his line of sight.
My headache faded away!

So I wasn't crazy when I thought someone was sending negativity my way.
Someone was.
Though I wasn't sure why....
I'd barely talked to the guy...
Perhaps I just happened to be in the way and he wasn't focusing on me.
Who knows.
I just hope it doesn't happen again.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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