Thursday, September 3, 2015

MLAARE -Missing Count

So, this week we ran into a very large problem.
In the fact that the number of crickets our inventory  said that we had....
We didn't in fact have.
And the number was high.
Very high. Multiple thousands high.
Like...adding it all up,  the numbers indicated that we had 'lost' two of our three shipments of crickets.
Things like that don't just happen.
(Though part of the problem is we hadn't updated the count in a couple of the numbers halfway made sense in the end.)

Where are all our crickets going?
No idea.
No. idea.
How could we not have thousands of crickets?!
We can't have had that many get loose.
We can't have had that many extra be bagged for customers....

Were they all dying? It hardly seemed like so.
But in an attempt to figure out where all our crickets are going.

I had the 'fun' task this week,
Of counting the crickets that came in.
To make sure that we were getting in the numbers that the company said they were sending us.

Don't worry, I didn't have to count each cricket one by one.
O.o That would have taken a ton of time I didn't have, especially considering we got over a thousand crickets in per box. :S (or we should.)

It's a good thing that I did so.
Because in our second shipment of crickets for the week...
The company was really, really off on their numbers.
I mean missing a 100 or so is understandable.
They don't count crickets one by one either.

But we had over half of shipment missing!!
The numbers they 'sent' us were over exaggerated by 500-800 crickets!

No wonder our missing cricket number is so high!

We can't exactly sell insects that we don't have.....

Thankfully, if the error is caught early enough, we can send in for additional crickets.
Which I did so immediately.

I mean...the weekend is coming up....we need those crickets.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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