Wednesday, September 30, 2015

MLAARE -Prank Calls

I don't know why people think its fun to prank call a pet store.
I mean....what's the point?

Today we got a call in.
Where someone was 'claiming' that 36 frogs were on their porch. And they wanted us to come get rid of them. Because they had company over.

They apparently wanted a manager to come over and get them.
Which we don't do.
We don't make house calls.

They wanted us to buy them.
But we don't buy animals.

They were told that Animal Control could help them out.
Or better yet, they could pick up the frogs themselves and move them.

*rolls eyes*
But by the end...
The Poor manager who had to take the call was rather frustrated.
That his time had been wasted.
As we were behind on unloading our truck.
And that whole conversation had stalled the progress he'd been making.

So again....why prank call a pet store?
Its not really a thrill for us workers who are trying to get a job done.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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