Thursday, September 10, 2015

MLAARE -Switching the Look

One annoying thing about products in the store.
Is that every now and then the company of the product decides to change up the packaging of their product.

Most often I see it in Dog Food.
Where the style of the bag will change like every four months or so.

I'm pretty sure its to try and draw new interest into their brand and get customers to notice their food.

But for the people who buy their brand....
It gets rather frustrating, when they come into the store looking for something in particular,
and they can't find it because the bag has changed on them.
It doesn't look the same, the stuff on the bag has changed, its a different look....

And that can cause some grief, especially if they can't find what food they used to buy.

Thankfully the customer I helped today....I was able to help I think.

I found him looking at a specific brand of dog food, and asked him if he needed help.
Which he did.
He was looking for the bag of food that said "Lamb, Brown Rice, and Whole Oats" on it.
And he could see the bag that had Chicken, Brown Rice, and Whole Oats.
But didn't see the Lamb one.

Probably because they had changed the packaging.
As I saw a bag next to the chicken one that had Lamb and Rice on the label.
But he didn't believe that was the one.
Because it didn't say the words that his food said.
So I dutifully went into the back to look for the one with that specific wording...
and couldn't find it.

So I returned to the man and the dog food.
And suggested we look at the ingredients list.
And what do you know. There was Lamb, Brown Rice, and Whole Oats listed among the ingredients.

Since it was the brand he usually bought.
With the ingredients he wanted.
I could only assume that that was the bag he needed to get.

To which he did get to try out, and see if it was similar to what he'd been getting his dog. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

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