Thursday, September 24, 2015

MLAARE -Hyper Hamster

We have this hamster.
Usually the Syrian's are rather mellow Hamsters....
But this one in particular is...rather High Strung.

He freaks out over little nothings.
Like us opening the cage.
Like us trying to pick him up.
He just panics.

But he's not only high strung in not liking to be touched.
He's like hyper active high strung.

Because we've caught him.
Over and over.
In the same cycle.
Run along the front of the cage. Back and forth.
To the wheel. Run on it for three seconds.
Get off, run along the side of the cage,
up to the front. Back and forth.
Back to the wheel to run again.

He's done it for hours.
For entire shifts.

It's so crazy.
He's crazy.

I really wonder what he'd do if he actually had the freedom to roam wherever?
I half expect he'd be able to be from one coast to the next in three days from how hyper he can be.
Hopefully he finds a good home soon.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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