Wednesday, September 23, 2015

MLAARE -Not for Sale

It was one of those busy days, where I kept ending up over at the register to help back up the cashier when the lines got too long.

This time around as I moved in that direction.
I noticed a couple of young boys standing on one of our red step stools that we use about the store to reach things higher up on the shelves.
Since the they were with their family, and the family was standing in line with the boys to check out, I figured, why waste the energy telling them to get off the stool if they were going to be out the door in two minutes anyways?

It just so happens that this family went through my register.
They placed their items on the counter for me to dutifully scan.
And then they were like "Oh, yah. How much is this stool here?"

I blinked.
And realized that they were talking about the red store stool that the boys had been standing on earlier.
"It's not for sale." Was my response.
They gave me this blank look of confusion. Of 'then why is it in the store if you aren't selling it?'
So I had to further explain. "They're for us to use in the store only, to help us reach things higher up. They aren't for sale."

So the customers left the store without their red step stool....

O.o was a surprise that they wanted it.
I wasn't like it was in a location that screamed "I'm for sale!"
No, we just have them randomly throughout the store, so that they can be in close access for when we eventually need them for this that and the other.

I don't even know what they would need the stool for in their own homes. O.o
Or why they hadn't bought one elsewhere.
*shakes head.*

But that was definitely a first...someone wanting that...

-Sarnic Dirchi

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