Saturday, April 30, 2016

How Many?

I had a customer come in today.
Wanting some of our inexpensive gold fish for their pond.

So I was like "Okay. Which size and how many?"
"I need the large ones."
"Okay, and how many?"
"The largest ones you can get."
"Okay....but how many did you want?"

Because I could fish out the largest of the large gold fish that we had in our tank.
But....without knowing how many the customer wanted,
I could be fishing out all 400 goldfish.

Knowing that they were going into a pond I figured that they'd want probably around 20 or so.

So after I started netting out the larger ones, I'd caught like three.
The customer, after pointing out which ones they wanted, finally said "I think 6 will be fine."

Okay, I can do six.
It makes it easier to be more picky with the fish when its a smaller number that I have to fish out.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Saved Your Life

I saved my new coworker's life today.

I was showing her the ins and outs of opening up the department.
And we were in the back,
I was having her check on the animals back there, writing on the charts.

I happened to look up.
As she was leaning in over a reptile cage.

And saw this ginormous spider!

It had come down from the ceiling.
Was hovering like a foot away from her head.
If she leaned forward anymore, she may encounter it.

And that thing was huge.
With it's long legs it was like the size of a tennis ball at least!
-One of those creepy harvester spiders that come and go in our store depending on how many crickets are loose...

I didn't have time to tell her to step back.
Because I figured she would do exactly the wrong thing and stand there talking at me.
Which may have resulted in the spider making a landing on her.

So I just grabbed her and pulled her back.

To which she was like.
O.o What are you doing?
Once she was pulled back to a safe distance I pointed and said "Spider"
To which she saw it.
And totally freaked out.
Darting to hide behind me to peer over my shoulder at the crazy big spider. lol.

And we watched it. Hover above the cage for another second.
Before it climbed back up the web string it had used to sink down.
To hover at the ceiling.

We didn't stick around to see what the spider would do next.

Thankfully, it didn't land on either one of us. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Gone, Maybe Forever

It's been an empty tank for like forever now.
The tank where we're supposed to be keeping our Fire-Belly Toads when we have them in stock.

They haven't been in stock.
For Months.

I think November? May be the last time I got in a shipment of Toads, if not earlier in October or Even September. Who knows at this point.

In any case.
We haven't gotten in a shipment of Toads for forever.

Because our Supplier doesn't have any.
The inventory always reads ZERO when I check it.

So, today, I finally asked my stocking manager, to check and see if there had been any messages or emails or anything.
because whenever I'd scan them, a particular code would come up. Code 25.
Which I thought meant that they were being discontinued, or something.

Which I was close on. After a bit of digging around.
We discovered that the Toads had been placed in the "Long Term Out of Stock"

Which meant....we had no idea when or if they would come back in.
They might never come back in.
Who knows.

But I couldn't just leave that tank empty for forever more.
So, I checked in with the manager over my department when she came into the store.

And she agreed with my plan,
To separate out our Hermit Crabs.
Because we sell 'two' types of Hermit Crabs.
Fancy ones, and Normal ones.
The difference?
The shell style.

But sometimes it can get confusing as to which hermit crabs are Fancy and which are not.

So this would solve that problem, until we get more Toads in. :)

So that's what I did.
I took out all the rocks and decorations and the water filter that was in there.
-Which had black tar like stuff falling from the spout. :S probably not healthy
And cleaned it all out, replacing it with dirt.

So now we have two tanks of Hermit Crabs. :) Yay.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Perfect Fit

They were an older couple. White haired and all.
Come in to get two of their dogs and another dog (their daughters?) groomed.
Besides that though, they wanted to get some new harnesses for all three pooches.
They just had collars for their dogs, and the dogs were like dogs and pulling at the collars, choking themselves. And the couple didn't want that.

So they wanted help with the harnesses.
But the only way to ensure that the harnesses would fit them.
Would be to try them on.
Which at that point in time was impossible, because they were getting groomed.

So I tried to judge the size of the harness they would need by looking at them through the window.
Which isn't always easy. Especially because depending on which brand of harness you choose...would depend on the size. What is a small in one harness brand maybe an extra small in another harness brand.

So I picked out what I thought was the right size.
And then waited.

As they wanted the dogs fitted, so they wouldn't have to adjust the harnesses themselves. Because those harnesses can be difficult to adjust.

So after forever -it was seriously like an hour or so - to the point where I thought I would be clocking out before they were done.

They finally got their dogs out of grooming.
I spent the next 10 or 15 minutes trying out harnesses on them, fitting them, adjusting them.
Til they customers were happy. And the harnesses fit the dogs comfortably.

And so they left happy. :) Yay for happy customers!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, April 25, 2016

A New Crew

Gotta love training the Greenies.
Some are better than others, admittedly.
Some pick it up with hardly an troubles.

....and then there are others....where it's like trying to chisel through marble to get your point across.

Apparently, the head managers decided that our new hires need to be cross trained in departments.
So that they know how to cashier, how to stock, how to work with the animals in my dept.

Which, honestly, is a no brainer in my book.
It's great to have all the help we can get, especially if we get super busy in one section of the store and are dead in a different section.

People can jump in and out of departments.
It's great.

that only works if the person being trained is a good fit for the dept.

The Greenie today.... *exhales*
I originally thought he was just going to be a cashier.
Which is fine, he seems like a good cashiering sort. Eager.

Very eager.
Eager to the point where his questions come out faster than he listens to the answer.
To the point where he's not listening at all.

Which when I only had like 15 minutes to try and train him before I got off my shift today....
Makes things difficult.
because it felt like I could literally see my words bouncing off his head. Not penetrating into the brain at all.

As he'd ask me a question.....
that I had already answered.....
And then would stare at me like he couldn't comprehend what I was saying.

So, hopefully my other coworker had more luck with him since she got to spend hours with him instead of my brief 15 minutes...

*shakes head* Hopefully training the other greenies will go easier than this first one....

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Misunderstanding Fiasco

I don't know what it was about today.
But there was something in the air.
As it felt like every customer I talked to was in a impatient/bad mood. The type of mood where they sound snippety when they talk to you.
Considering I usually don't experience that in my morning shifts.
To keep encountering it time and time again throughout my shift was a bit jarring.

In any case.
There was a point, where we got busy on the register with customers.
So I jumped in to help back up the other cashier.

And this lady comes up to the counter.
With a plastic bag. Saying "I have a return."
No problem.
Though I ask her if she wants to do an exchange. To which she says yes.
So I tell her she could go grab the harness she needed to exchange it with and we could do everything all together so she wouldn't need to get back in line.

She chose not to, as her Grandma told her to get in line first.

But the problem was...
Her receipt for the returned item was too old.
She'd bought the harness back in January.
And our return policy didn't extend that far back.

Apparently this woman has been on bed rest (and shouldn't have been out of bed now) due to her having complications in every direction with her pregnancy. As she's having twins and had issues of something tearing.
So she hasn't had the ability to return to the store until now.

So I call a manager over, to see what could be done, and the manager approves me doing the exchange after hearing the reasoning.
Which due it to being so far out from the return policy, I had to have the key to approve it.

About the point I'm finishing ringing up the harness, but not yet paying out the cash.
The woman decides she wants to go grab that new harness and exchange it out.
I thought she was only going to be a minute....
but she doesn't come back.

This woman is with two other ladies. One who is probably the grandmother, another closer to her age...maybe a friend or a mother.
In any case, the grandmother decides that while we wait I can ring up the bag of dog food she has in her cart.
I assume that it's all going onto one transaction at this point.
And again ask if we should wait for the lady to return with the harness.

They pay,
and only after everything is rang up do they realize that the harness return was on that receipt. *rolls eyes*
No big deal.
basically the grandmother now owes the daughter the 12ish dollars that the harness cost.
So they go off to search for the lady who still hadn't returned with the replacement harness.

And I head off back to the department to help my customers there.
I turn around a little bit later.
To see our brand new cashier (this is his second day) giving off the 'help I'm out of my depth signals'
Because its the three women again, coming up to finally buy the harness.

Only when I come over what I hear is.
"This isn't my card it's this guy's card and he wouldn't approve yadda yadda"
What I got out of it is that they used the husband's card and he wouldn't approve of the transaction being what it was and so I would need to return the money that the woman got from the harness onto the card and then return the harness again with the pregnant lady and do the exchange there.

Which would have been easy, only the harness is one of the discontinued ones and so I had to have a manager come up again with the key.
So I made the call.
Only to have the manager never come up.
Which was fine.

Because the middle friend/mother lady realized what I was trying to do and that wasn't what they wanted to do.
So she got really agitated about the whole process.
Saying that no, we didn't need to return the harness, what they wanted to do was to put the $12 on the grandmother's card and then the prego person would pay for the rest of it.

Got it.
I told her I'd misunderstood before, I thought that we needed to do an exchange.
But the woman (who aren't very good at listening apparently)
Felt the need to repeat herself like twice more, in increasingly loud and agitated tones about what they wanted to do.
Which I responded with in just as loud tones to cut her off, that that was what I was doing, that it had been a misunderstanding earlier.
But the woman couldn't understand what was so 'difficult' about splitting the payment of the harness.
To which I didn't want to explain to her again that it was because I thought they wanted the money back on the card, that was all, but I could fix it.
To which I did.
The grandmother paid the 12ish dollars, and the prego lady paid the other $5 and they were happily on their way.

*rolls eyes* Ugh.

Only, near the end of my shift. Hours later.
I saw the prego lady back up at the register!
Because after everything....she'd again bought a harness that was too small and now needed to return the smaller harness and get the bigger size.

Luckily I didn't have to deal with that transaction as I had just clocked out.
But. Gah.
Those three women bugged me. A lot.

Probably because they were treating me like I was some fresh faced high school grad new to the store, when I'd been working there for years. *shakes head* It was an honest mistake guys of misunderstanding the intent the first time. No need to get so up in arms about everything.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Skinny Lizard

I recognized the gentleman.
Kinda hard not to as I've helped him multiple times.
Because he'd come in a while ago. Months and months ago, to switch his aquarium to a terrarium to hold reptiles.
Only something he was doing wasn't working, as every couple weeks or so he'd come in with a dead anole (he'd gotten a bunch of them.) And then get a new have another one die.
Eventually he decided to just give it up entirely and switch back to fish.

Like I said. It's been months. I feel like before Christmas months.

But he came into the store today.
With a Tupperware container.
And inside of it?
Was a very lethargic, skinny, brown. I thought it was dead at first.

Where did this lizard come from?

He'd found it today, on his living room floor. O.o

I'm surprised the creature has lived this long! As like I said, I feel like its been at least 6 months or so (its probably less, but its been a long time.)

And he wanted to know what to do with it.
Or basically he wanted to know if we could take it.
As he didn't have a set up for it.
It was sick and basically looked to be dying.
And if we weren't going to take it, then he was going to just let it loose outside. :S
Which with our fluxing weather patterns....could be a death sentence to the poor thing.

Luckily my coworker volunteered to take him in and care for him. :)
Hopefully the Anole can gain weight and get its color back under her care. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Spilled and Dirty

There are just days when I get more irritated with my coworkers than others.

In particular I get irritated with them when they basically do nothing to help keep our department clean.
I'll come back and find dishes and cages piled high needing to be cleaned.
Wrappers all over the place from random things.
Spilled food and hay and bedding on the floor that hasn't been swept up.

It's irritating.
Because I know it's only a couple of coworkers really that make no effort to help clean up and they're the biggest mess makers. (Every work place has one I know.)

It's like they don't understand that their mom isn't there to clean up after them.
Though they probably know that their coworkers will clean up after them if its left for long enough.

I wish we'd all take a more active part in trying to keep our department clean.
Where we'd be considerate of others.
And if we notice something hasn't been cleaned, and we have time to clean it....
To clean it.
Not just wait and have the dirtiness sit there and pile up.

*shakes head*
In a perfect world that would happen.... *sighs*

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, April 18, 2016

Weight lifting again.

I feel like I just did this.
Literally I just did this!

Here we all were,
Thinking that we were getting rid of all but a smidgen of our gravel in favor of sand.
Instead though.
We discovered in resetting one of our aisles.
That all those bags of gravel that suddenly no longer had a place.
Did have a place.
On the bottom shelf underneath all our Aquatic Decorations.

In the reset....
None of the stockers had decided to move the gravel to that spot.

So I took it upon myself to do so.
As I had a free moment.
And I really just wanted that empty space filled so then I could ensure that the other gravel location was actually to the plan.

So once again.
I've found myself moving like 2,000 lbs of gravel.


I suppose this is where I say....there's benefits to waiting.
To checking all the schematics of products that are being adjusted.
To make sure that the products we think we're no longer going to be carrying....we actually are no longer carrying.

As it would have saved me what I feel like is now wasted time and effort.
But now.
Now everything is in place. Yay.

Who needs to go to the Gym if I'm constantly lifting gravel? lol

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Need More Food

Sometimes I wonder if the people who come up with the new set ups of our product on our stores...have ever been in a pet store in their life.

As we got in new Betta Fish we needed to readjust their spot.
It's like the people don't realize how many bettas we go through in a day. A week.

We get in one or two boxes full of bettas. That's anywhere between 25-70 bettas at a time.
Most of the time we sell through almost all of them by the time our next shipment comes.

Which means at the same time, we go through a lot of betta products.
Especially food.
Because if we're selling live animals....they kinda need to eat.

So whoever had the 'brilliant' idea to bring in more bettas, and not expanding our space for them, therefore causing us to have to hunt for other locations to place our extras...
Obviously wasn't thinking logically.
When they decided to move our betta food onto a tiny wing on the side of our betta section.
That tiny wing?
Only allows us to place like two bottles of each variety of betta food onto it at a time.
With each brand of food all together....yah I'm lucky if I can fit 15 bottles of product onto that tiny wing.

We get in like 20 bottles of EACH brand at a time.
Because that's how fast we move through it.
So now, we have a ton of overstock that we have to find a place for.
And now we have to keep an eye on our tiny wing. Because when that thing empties out (which will probably happen every hour) we will need to refill it.

Thanks for giving us more work planner guys. >.< Next time actually think about how much food needs to be available for customers buying all our bettas.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, April 14, 2016


O.o What is it with people and not understanding that animals are actual living creatures that need care?

A friend of mine texted me while I was at work.
Asking if a goldfish and a molly could live with her African Dwarf Frog in a tank.

Depending on the tank....they can. But you'll need a filter and a heater.
And her frog tank had neither.
Plus....the goldfish shouldn't be in the same tank as the molly.
Because the goldfish can give off a lot of ammonia, which can be toxic to other fish if they're not used to it.

I was curious.
How did my friend end up with these two fish?

Apparently one of her roommates along with a guy friend.
Had gone to one of our Sister Stores where she now lives.

And had bought both fish.
>.< Which annoys me that the associates up there didn't ask more questions. Or perhaps they did, and the two people gave answers that satisfied them.

But, the roommate and guy friend had bought the two fish....
For Hot Tubbing? O.o
I have no idea how fish and hot tubbing go together....
As hot water would kill the fish.

The fish were still alive though.
Which was amazing.
As apparently roommate and friend placed them in my friend's apartment.
And left them.
In the bags from the store.
All. Night. Long.

Fish can survive in bags that long. I know they can. I've seen it.
But not every fish is that hardy.

So these two were lucky.
To have survive.
Lucky that my friend found them.
Lucky that they now have a better place to live under better conditions than they were before.

Ugh. Some people....some people don't deserve to have pets.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Hermit Crab Mayhem

Impatient Customers.
I hate them.

Can't they understand that we're busy.
And you're supposed to wait.

We had a customer come up to the register.
And ask our cashier.
"Do you have a box I can put these in?" She asked.
Holding out two hermit crabs.

Apparently, she'd reached into the tank, -removing the lid covering the tank.
And grabbed two hermit crabs.
Apparently not taking the time to ask a coworker, if she could just take the hermit crabs.
My coworkers were busy helping other customers with fish and other animals.

So she went up to the cashier to buy those hermit crabs.

Unfortunately for her.
She skipped a couple of steps.
For one.
Only certified associates are allowed to handle the animals. If a customer wants to handle one of our animals we have to be present for them to do so.
For two. If they decide to purchase the animal, they need to be contained. And only we can grab those containers as they're locked up.
For three. They have to fill out paperwork and listen to our spiel about the animals.

So the cashier told the customer to return the hermit crabs and wait for one of the associates to get to her.

She had to wait for a bit.
As my coworkers were busy.

But.....what really irritates me.
Is that the woman had two children with her.
Two girls from what I heard.
And apparently one of the girls took a hermit crab.
And shook it.
Shook it.
Shook it.
Basically shook the hermit crab to death.
And then handed it to the other girl saying "I hope it doesn't die."

*eye twitch*
And the mother did nothing.

Too late to take back those hermit crabs.
I really hope the bad treatment didn't harm the hermit crab.
I would think it wouldn't, as they tend to hole up pretty tightly in their shells and don't really budge if they don't want to come out.
But I do hope that that girl gets pinched by one of the two hermit crabs for being so inconsiderate of another creature's life.
Or to her sister for the matter.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Too Many Goldfish

So. Many Gold Fish.
So. Very. Many Goldfish.

I got in our shipment of goldfish today.
Which is great.
Considering I was down to like 20 large goldfish.
That's it.

Normally not a big deal to get in a new shipment.
Until I looked at the manifest for how many we were getting in.

We were getting in 1600 small goldfish. ()_()
Usually we only get in 800.
But for some reason they decided to double that particular size order.

Along with our normal 300 large, and 800 extra small....

I was going to place in nearly 3,000 fish into our fish system.
All at once.

Not always a good thing.
Especially with goldfish.
As they give off a lot of ammonia into the water already.
Adding 3,000 to a nearly empty system at once.

I could already picture me having to fish out bodies by the netful over the next couple of days.

But it wasn't like I could just leave them in the bags for days on end.

So I did what I could.
I made sure that all our goldfish tanks had their locklines working and flowing.
And chose to utilize two of our tanks that normally stay empty.
As we usually have two tanks of large.
Empty tank.
Two tanks of small.
Empty Tank.
Two tanks of extra small.

I decided that instead of placing 800 small fish into each of the normal two tanks.
That I would use the two empty tanks and divide the fish up so that there would be no more than 400 gold fish in any tank.

Which helps to keep them from overstressing if there's less of them per tank.

My only problem is to ensure that the locklines stay open.
As they can clog up easily, suddenly. coworkers aren't really known for checking to make sure that the goldfish are getting fresh flowing water.

Yah. Nets and nets of dead fish....

Hopefully we can avoid that situation.
*fingers crossed*

-Sarnic Dirchi

Monday, April 11, 2016

Wasted Time

I am so glad I didn't have to deal with these wishy washy customers.
I heard this from a coworker.

Where she had to deal with a couple, who ended up not leaving the store until 30 minutes AFTER we closed.
Which totally screws with us trying to get everything closed down for the night, as most of the time we should be out of the store at that time. At least in my department.

What was the problem?
Well, this couple came into the store sometime before closing.
Wanting to get a turtle.

But, they couldn't decide on which type of turtle to get. Or which one to get.

Apparently my coworker had one turtle all boxed up, at the register, ready to purchase....
And the couple changed their mind.
Wanting a different turtle instead.

This may have even happened a couple of times.
Before they decided that perhaps they didn't want the turtle.

In the end.
They finally walked out of the store with a cage for a Bearded Dragon and the Bearded Dragon itself.

I knew none of this....
When the next day.
I was called up to the register to take care of a Bearded Dragon that had been returned.
I hadn't thought much of it.

Until my coworker told me the story of what she had to deal with last night when closing.

She was not happy.
Not happy at all that the people she'd helped had hardly had their Bearded Dragon for 14 hours before deciding to return him.

Wasted time is not a favorite among me or my coworkers.
When we sell you a pet, we don't want to see it returned the next day.
Especially when you make us deal with your wishy washyiness until after close.

Their reasoning for returning the Bearded Dragon?
"They're more fish people" they decided.

*shakes head*

-Sarnic Dirchi

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Gravel Rearrangement

I've been wanting to move the gravel underneath our fish tanks for a while now.
Because I've known for a month that we need to adjust the plan to it.
But nobody has been willing to or had time to move our gravel to its new spot.

Mostly because nobody else had time.
I'd offered multiple times, but other things had taken precedence.
Finally though.
I had spare time.
The manager on duty was willing.
So I went to work.
Grabbed the new schematic and started moving the gravel.

Which was more work than planned.
Because we had a slight problem.
We were getting rid of all our gravel.
In our five sections of gravel.
We were moving the gravel down to one section.
Three of the other sections were for new product.
Which we haven't had in the store for a while now.
But are now getting in.
The last section oddly enough, is to remain empty. O.o
So since its empty space.
It was decided to place our gravel that no longer had a spot in our new plan, in that blank space.

Unfortunately, we had too much gravel for that area.
So I had to place the extra gravel in temporary locations.

In the end.
I ended up moving like 2,000 lbs of gravel. Possibly even more.
Quite the workout.

But in the end, I got the job accomplished!

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, April 8, 2016


I never understand why people steal things from our store.
Honestly, if you can't make enough money to buy things for your pet...
Perhaps you should consider rehoming your pet instead of resulting to stealing.
Because honestly....why?
Is it worth it?

I know that people don't always steal things for their pets.
Some steal them in order to sell them for cash.
To use them for other means.
To sell them back to us through deceptive means.


My coworkers found reptile things stolen this time around.
A bulb, lamp, decoration.

*shakes head*

Well....I hope their stolen items break sooner rather than later.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Little Space

I had a customer come into the store today.
Wanting to get one of our Aquatic Turtles.
Which I don't have a problem with.
Since that's why we have them, to sell them.

But when I asked them if they already had a tank at home and what size it was when they said yes.
They told me that they had a 5.5 gallon tank.

Which is way, way too small for our turtles.
As they are 4inches long or longer,
a 5.5 gallon tank would be very very cramped. Hardly any where to move or go.

I don't understand that about customers.
That they don't seem to comprehend that their pet would like to have space to live, to move about.
All they really seem to think about is having the pet, but having it take up as little room and time as possible.
Which, if that's your shouldn't get a pet.
Because pets should be like another family member.
Not a pretty decoration to place on a shelf to admire.

So I told them, that they couldn't get a turtle if they had that small of a tank. They would need at least a 20 gallon tank. That way the turtle would have room and everything.
Plus, Aquatic Turtles are a lot of work. More than most people realize as they require water changes a lot more often than regular fish in fish tanks.

Thankfully, they changed their minds about getting the turtle, and opted to get some red claw crabs instead as they fit in a lot better in the tank they already had. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Children are funny sometimes.
Where they don't listen to what you say.
And keep telling you/asking you the same thing over and over again.

For example, today, I had three young girls come in.
Who repeatedly told me "The turtle isn't moving!"
-Referring to our Tortoise. Who I knew in fact, had been moving earlier in the day as I saw him eating his breakfast. So I kept telling them. "He's just sleeping. He's fine."

But they kept bringing it back up.
So finally when I had a spare second, I took them over to the cage, opened it up, and showed them that the turtle was fine. He'd just been sleeping.

lol They were super excited to see him moving about after that point. "He's moving! He's moving!"

I halfway wonder if they just wanted to see him move.
-Originally I thought they were worried he'd died.
But instead, I believe they just wanted to 'get their way' and watch him move about.

Kids are funny like that.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Make Up Your Mind

Gotta love those customers who don't know what they want before they ask you to help them.
Especially the fish customers.
Because we have so many different varieties of fish, that can go in multiple combinations....
It's hard for the indecisive to be decisive.

I had a customer come in in the morning.
Wanting to get some fish for her tank.
More specifically she had three kids with her.
I'm not sure if the kids were hers, or just related.

But she wanted to get fish in her tank.
And was trying to balance what she wanted as to what the kids wanted.

Which resulted in me catching the fish the kids wanted....
but her deciding that they cost too much money.
And so had me put them back.
And catch some other less expensive fish.
That the kids still liked. And she also liked.

All the while the kids were constantly badgering me with questions about what I was doing, what the animals were doing, etc etc.
As the woman herself also was asking me questions about fish and decorations and....
Once I thought she was finally done with her and her fish.
She had me running all over the store, trying to figure out if a sale she saw on our website online would apply here in the store...
Which it did.

It was a lot of.....wasted time.
Which with it being busy....was kinda irritating.
Hopefully she has success with all she was trying to do and with her fish.

-Sarnic Dirchi

Friday, April 1, 2016

Why Wait?

I had a customer come into the store, bringing me back my 'favorite' thing to see.
Dead fish.
Bleh. It's never fun to have dead fish returned to the store.
Especially when they're so smelly it's gag inducing.
This particular bag of dead fish wasn't that bad...yet.

But when I checked the receipt of the customer to see when she had purchased the fish....
It had been back in the beginning of February!
And it's now the beginning of April.

We only guarantee our fish four two weeks.
Not for 2 months.
And I told the customer as much.

-And I was surprised she'd waited this she's a customer I see consistently enough to remember her.

And she said that I had told her she could bring them in later, since she lives 'far away' and can't always make it up to our area.
Which I do remember her saying.
And I did tell her that if she couldn't make it up in the 2 weeks to give us a call and we would see if we could extend the deadline.

But I didn't mean two months!
I mean, seriously. If you have a dead fish I meant you could bring in like a week later if you give us a call and let us know you live far away and can't make it up before the two weeks are up.

So I told her as much.
I can't extend this past a month in reality.

But I gave her her refund this time, because of the misunderstanding.
And she was understanding of the fact that she should come up sooner.
Within the month.
Within the two weeks.
As we can't have customers bringing in months old dead fish!

Hopefully it doesn't happen again, or else I would think she's taking advantage of us....

-Sarnic Dirchi