Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Skinny Lizard

I recognized the gentleman.
Kinda hard not to as I've helped him multiple times.
Because he'd come in a while ago. Months and months ago, to switch his aquarium to a terrarium to hold reptiles.
Only something he was doing wasn't working, as every couple weeks or so he'd come in with a dead anole (he'd gotten a bunch of them.) And then get a new have another one die.
Eventually he decided to just give it up entirely and switch back to fish.

Like I said. It's been months. I feel like before Christmas months.

But he came into the store today.
With a Tupperware container.
And inside of it?
Was a very lethargic, skinny, brown. I thought it was dead at first.

Where did this lizard come from?

He'd found it today, on his living room floor. O.o

I'm surprised the creature has lived this long! As like I said, I feel like its been at least 6 months or so (its probably less, but its been a long time.)

And he wanted to know what to do with it.
Or basically he wanted to know if we could take it.
As he didn't have a set up for it.
It was sick and basically looked to be dying.
And if we weren't going to take it, then he was going to just let it loose outside. :S
Which with our fluxing weather patterns....could be a death sentence to the poor thing.

Luckily my coworker volunteered to take him in and care for him. :)
Hopefully the Anole can gain weight and get its color back under her care. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi 

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