Friday, April 1, 2016

Why Wait?

I had a customer come into the store, bringing me back my 'favorite' thing to see.
Dead fish.
Bleh. It's never fun to have dead fish returned to the store.
Especially when they're so smelly it's gag inducing.
This particular bag of dead fish wasn't that bad...yet.

But when I checked the receipt of the customer to see when she had purchased the fish....
It had been back in the beginning of February!
And it's now the beginning of April.

We only guarantee our fish four two weeks.
Not for 2 months.
And I told the customer as much.

-And I was surprised she'd waited this she's a customer I see consistently enough to remember her.

And she said that I had told her she could bring them in later, since she lives 'far away' and can't always make it up to our area.
Which I do remember her saying.
And I did tell her that if she couldn't make it up in the 2 weeks to give us a call and we would see if we could extend the deadline.

But I didn't mean two months!
I mean, seriously. If you have a dead fish I meant you could bring in like a week later if you give us a call and let us know you live far away and can't make it up before the two weeks are up.

So I told her as much.
I can't extend this past a month in reality.

But I gave her her refund this time, because of the misunderstanding.
And she was understanding of the fact that she should come up sooner.
Within the month.
Within the two weeks.
As we can't have customers bringing in months old dead fish!

Hopefully it doesn't happen again, or else I would think she's taking advantage of us....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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