Thursday, April 7, 2016

Little Space

I had a customer come into the store today.
Wanting to get one of our Aquatic Turtles.
Which I don't have a problem with.
Since that's why we have them, to sell them.

But when I asked them if they already had a tank at home and what size it was when they said yes.
They told me that they had a 5.5 gallon tank.

Which is way, way too small for our turtles.
As they are 4inches long or longer,
a 5.5 gallon tank would be very very cramped. Hardly any where to move or go.

I don't understand that about customers.
That they don't seem to comprehend that their pet would like to have space to live, to move about.
All they really seem to think about is having the pet, but having it take up as little room and time as possible.
Which, if that's your shouldn't get a pet.
Because pets should be like another family member.
Not a pretty decoration to place on a shelf to admire.

So I told them, that they couldn't get a turtle if they had that small of a tank. They would need at least a 20 gallon tank. That way the turtle would have room and everything.
Plus, Aquatic Turtles are a lot of work. More than most people realize as they require water changes a lot more often than regular fish in fish tanks.

Thankfully, they changed their minds about getting the turtle, and opted to get some red claw crabs instead as they fit in a lot better in the tank they already had. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

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