Saturday, April 9, 2016

Gravel Rearrangement

I've been wanting to move the gravel underneath our fish tanks for a while now.
Because I've known for a month that we need to adjust the plan to it.
But nobody has been willing to or had time to move our gravel to its new spot.

Mostly because nobody else had time.
I'd offered multiple times, but other things had taken precedence.
Finally though.
I had spare time.
The manager on duty was willing.
So I went to work.
Grabbed the new schematic and started moving the gravel.

Which was more work than planned.
Because we had a slight problem.
We were getting rid of all our gravel.
In our five sections of gravel.
We were moving the gravel down to one section.
Three of the other sections were for new product.
Which we haven't had in the store for a while now.
But are now getting in.
The last section oddly enough, is to remain empty. O.o
So since its empty space.
It was decided to place our gravel that no longer had a spot in our new plan, in that blank space.

Unfortunately, we had too much gravel for that area.
So I had to place the extra gravel in temporary locations.

In the end.
I ended up moving like 2,000 lbs of gravel. Possibly even more.
Quite the workout.

But in the end, I got the job accomplished!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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