Saturday, June 11, 2016

Escaping the Tank

I was in the middle of doing dishes in the back, when one of my coworker's came up to me, and told me that he'd found a Hermit Crab on the floor.

A hermit crab?
How could a Hermit Crab be on the floor? I mean, a Red Claw Crab, I could totally see.
As they have escaped before. One even made it outside the front doors. But a Hermit Crab? Unless someone left a 'dead' one out on accident without disposing of it....I'd never seen one escape.

"Is it alive?" I asked.
"I think so? It was twitching." he responded.

"Show me."
So he took me over to an area a few feet away from the fish tanks.

And there scuttling away.
Is not a Hermit Crab.

But a Red Claw Crab.

Ah! So I had been right in what the creature was!

So I rescued him and put him back in his cage.
And as I did so, I discovered the possible source of how the crab escaped in the first place.

One of the decorations had been pulled out of the tank.
One that had large holes in it where crabs could hide.

My guess is that he'd been hiding inside when the decoration was taken out.
Therefore, when it was left out....
he crawled out to explore.

At least we found him before he got too far....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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