Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Pick Up Service

We get some odd requests at work.
Some we can fulfill.
Others we cannot.

My coworker told me of an odd request she had.
Which I would now need to fulfill as the customer making the request had not yet shown up and she was off.

The request?

Apparently the customer wanted to buy a Red-Eared Slider Turtle.
But she didn't want to come into the store.
She wanted us to bring the Turtle out to her.
Because she had an SUV full of kids.
And didn't want to have to deal with the hassle of keeping track of them in the store while trying to purchase said turtle.

So my coworker checked with the manager on duty.
To see if we could fulfill the request.
The manager okayed it. Provided that we made sure that the customer paid for the turtle first before we gave it to her.

Lucky me, I wasn't busy when I got a call from the customer.
Who was about to arrive at the store.
So I grabbed the paperwork, and walked outside to the SUV as it pulled into the first slot outside the store.
And had her fill out the necessary forms to buy the turtle, took the cash she handed me.
Went inside, placed the turtle in a carrier, bought the turtle with the money she gave me.
And then went back outside to hand the woman her change and the turtle.

To which she happily took,
And drove off with her car full of young kids.

*shakes head*
I wonder how long it is before we create a 'drive thru' system or a 'pick up' system for these types of customers.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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