Wednesday, June 8, 2016

How To Fit You All

It was a normal morning.
Where I was pulling the info for what birds we were expecting to get in this week, so I could prepare cages to hold them for when they arrived.

And I noticed that there was a weird name on our list.
I mean, sometimes our conures have odd names associated with them, but at the end of the name it always says conure.

This bird though.
Was a Canary Winged Bee Bee Parakeet.

I'd never heard of such a name.

I mean. We carry canaries.
We carry parakeets.

But a canary parakeet?

What weird hybrid was this?

Apparently this Bee Bee is a type of parrot.

One that can be playful, friendly, talkative.

lol. Like I always tell customers....we may not carry a certain type of bird now, we may start carrying it in the future.

(What we really need is to start selling Cockatiels as that's the most popular bird requested when people come into the store)

So, from what I can figure out. This Bee Bee should be treated like a conure. Similar food, similar cage requirements.
But I guess we'll see when we actually get it in.

The main problem though...
Is the same problem we have currently with our reptiles.
I have a new bird coming in.
but there's no room for it.

As all our cages are currently full.
So I looked up the plan for our habitats for the birds.
And saw that the Bee Bee is supposed to take the place of our Diamond Doves.

The problem?
We still have a Diamond Dove in the store.
Because those birds don't sell that quickly.
....Like our snakes that I need to sell....

Which means when the Bee Bee comes in....I can't bring it out onto the floor until we sell the Dove.
Which could be tomorrow....or it could be in six months.

So now I have like a sell the Diamond Dove.

In any case....
Because our reptiles had their plan changed.
And our birds had had a new addition...

It only made sense that something would be changing with our small pets as well. The mice, hamsters, guinea pigs.

So I looked up the habitat plan.
And I was right.

It had changed. Or will be changing. The plan hasn't gone into effect yet.

Not that we really stick to the schematic when it comes to our small pets. We go through our hamsters and guinea pigs so quickly that when a cage opens up, we fill it with the next available hamster. We don't wait to place the same type of hamster in the same cage. But place the next available type of hamster in that cage. As some types of hamsters sell faster than others.

In any case.
We're getting in a new type of Guinea Pig into the store.
It's called a Skinny Pig.
Basically, it's a hairless guinea pig. O.o So weird.

What's that the new plan....doesn't have a spot for our chinchilla....but there aren't any notes that we're no longer going to be carrying it. We....just don't have a place for it.
Considering we've had the same chinchilla in our store for months now.....

So once again, when the time comes....I'm going to have to figure out how to get the new animals in while we still have the old animals....

Yay for complications.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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