Thursday, June 16, 2016

The Cricket Effort

Sometimes I wonder at my coworker's logic.

So, my second opener, who was in charge of opening the rest of the department while I worked on the cage cleaning task of the day...
Was taking longer then normal.

She should have been done feeding the reptiles by now.
As that was where the cart was stationed.
But for like 10 I went back and forth finishing up the cage cleaning....
I didn't see her.

What she'd been doing was bagging crickets.

Bagging multiple bags of crickets. O.o

Normally when we feed the reptiles, if it's the day to feed them crickets (as we feed them mealworms as well) we normally just gather a bunch of them into one bag, and then dump out the appropriate amount into each cage for the reptiles to eat.

But....apparently that takes too long? It's too much of a hassle?

So she chose to bag in individual bags, the amount of crickets needed for each cage.
Which is like...20 cages....
So 20 bags.
Which takes like 1-2 minutes to bag if you get the right amount on the first try.

...Which if you do the math.
She wasted like 20 minutes at least bagging those crickets.
(and wasting bags in the process)

To make it so she didn't have to count out crickets when she got to the reptiles.
She would just grab the appropriate bag,
Dumb out the crickets into the cage.
And move onto the next cage.

Which yes. That part would be faster.

But the effort it took in bagging them?
Not faster at all.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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