Thursday, June 9, 2016


I'd just finished putting all the decorations for our Chameleon back into his cage. I shut the lid, and noticed that the Chameleon had gotten some very interesting coloring on his body.
He was green like normal chameleons but there were a bunch of black dots now patterning on him as well. I hadn't seen the pattern before, but didn't think much of it.

Until I came back a few hours later, and noticed that he was still the same coloring...
But also still in the same spot. O.o
That was weird because it was a weird position for him to be in. Very stiff legged.

So I looked at him closer.
And realized that his tail, instead of being curled up.
Was stretched upwards....upwards into the ()_()
Oh crap.

His tail was stuck in the lid!!
-It was one of those hinge lids where part of it flips up.
And somehow, in the process of putting him back in.
His tail had gotten stuck in the crack there!


So I quickly opened the cage.
And freed his tail.

And his black dots totally vanished.

O.O Oh.... Black dots = pain. Got it.

The last half an inchish of his tail...
Was a different shade than the others.
Darker, kinda dead looking. :S

Had I just killed part of his tail!??!

I couldn't tell.

Maybe it would recover.
Maybe it would be fine.

Only time would tell.

I didn't kill off a bit of his tail.

It's recovering fine.
Curling up and moving around.
There's a very slight darker color to it, a mark where the lid pinched his tail.

But I'm confident it will fully recover.


-Sarnic Dirchi

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