Monday, June 5, 2017

A Fitting

I helped out an older couple today. 
They'd brought their cat in the store to get her a harness because she didn't like wearing collars and they wanted to take her on walks and such.

So I showed them where the harnesses were, and I ended up showing them how to put the harnesses on their cat.
lol. It was rather frustrating because I went through three or four harnesses -which involved taking off the tags to get the harness to fit around the cat, before I finally found a harness that was the color and style that they liked. 
-The woman was concerned the harness was too tight around the legs, and the husband was concerned over the coloration.

But in the end. It worked out. :) They found a harness that they liked.
And I got to spend a good twenty minutes with their kitty cat. ^^ awwww 
She was such a mellow sweetheart, their cat. You could turn her every which way -which I had to do to get the harness on and fitted- and she hardly reacted at all. 

Those customers definitely lucked out with her. ^^ 
lol and they were so grateful that I took the time to help them out, and stayed with them, and talked with them, and showed them how to put the harness on and how to adjust it. 

It definitely made my day to have them soo grateful that I went through all that work to ensure that they were satisfied that they'd gotten the right harness at the right fit. 
Honestly, I hope to see them and their cat again. :) It was a good experience all around. :) 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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