Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Which Words?

So, this past weekend, I helped out a pair of customers. A woman and her father buy fish. 

And I'd taken silent offense at the father because while I was catching them fish, I ended up taking a little bit longer than my usual quickness because a) the fish were being difficult and b) I was trying to catch them fish that were similar sizes so that they wouldn't pick on each other.

And I'd thought I had heard the father comment that "you're not a very good fisherman are you?" 

It got my ire up that statement because more often than not customers comment that I'm amazing at catching fish and that I do it pretty quickly. 

So for this guy to say that I wasn't very got on my nerves because I am good. I was just trying to catch specific fish so that they would all play nice. 


In any case.
They came back into the store today.


Because apparently all their fish had died. 
O.O had only been like four days since I'd last helped how could they have lost all their fish so quickly?!

They think it's because they put in gravel into the tank that had originally belonged into a salt water tank (they were doing freshwater fish) and that whatever was in the rocks had killed the fish. 

Which makes sense....though I hadn't really heard of that before....

In any case.
They'd replaced the gravel, cleaned out the tank, tested their water, and decided that they should be able to add in fish just fine now.

And so I repeated the process of catching fish for them.

Only this time for the father to comment "Wow, you're a pretty good fisherman, I mean fisherwoman." 

Which. ^-^ Yes. Yes I am. lol

But it's now left me doubting his original statement from the first time I'd helped this duo out.

Had he actually complimented me the first time too and I'd misheard him? So I'd become quietly annoyed for no reason? 
Or had I heard correctly the first time around and he'd changed his opinion on my fishing skills in the meantime? 

I may never know.

But thankfully I had remained cordial the first go around. 

Hopefully this time their fish actually live. :S 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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