Thursday, June 29, 2017


I was in the middle of helping a customer with a dog.
A dog that had decided to pee in the middle of one of the aisles. *exhales* Which isn't uncommon since it is a pet store that allows pets inside. 
And the customer had been trying to find a way to clean up the mess. 
But since it was a bigger dog...a few paper towels weren't going to clean up the mini lake that had formed.
So I reassured the customer that I had it covered, that I would go grab a mop to clean up the mess, as that would be a lot easier than using twenty or so paper towels to clean up that way.

I'd gone to our back cleaning area, to grab one of those rolly mop buckets and mop. Filled it up with cleaning liquid,
And rolled it out of the back room.
-Keep in mind I AM at my job, in my uniform- 

And I'm walking towards these two customers as I was heading to go clean up the spill. Rolling this mop bucket with me. 
In uniform.

And the customer looks at me and goes: "Do you work here?" 

....No. I don't work here. I just like pushing random mop buckets around stores. *shakes head*

Like could it be more obvious that I worked there? 
So my response was a blank "Of course I do." Gestures to myself.
Why would I be pushing around a mop bucket in this store if I didn't actually work at said store? *shakes head* 


-Sarnic Dirchi

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