Thursday, June 22, 2017

The Right Guinea

So the day before, I had a couple of customers come in wanting to get a guinea pig.
Only they couldn't get it yesterday and had wanted me to put the guinea pig they wanted on hold. 
Which we don't do at work.
Because there's too much of a chance of coworker miscommunication, the animal accidentally getting sold, or the customer never coming back, and the poor animal just sitting there for forever.

There are exceptions made of course, but usually that's a case of the customer coming back the same day in an hour or so. 

But we don't hold animals for the day.
Nor do we allow customers to pay for the animal and pick it up later (again miscommunication issues0 

The customers weren't happy about that.
Because what if the one they wanted got sold?

I did my best to reassure them.
Telling them that the guinea pigs haven't really been selling this week. 
(Which is unfortunately because I have over 20 I can sell, but only room for 6 on the floor) 
So that it's likely the guinea pig they wanted would still be there.
But I couldn't guarantee that it would be.
Mostly because the next six customers could all randomly decide that they wanted a guinea pig and all of them would be gone by morning. 

I was quick to reassure them though, that I had more in stock in the back, I just couldn't bring them out to the floor because we didn't have room for them there. So if the one the customer wanted was sold when they returned the next day, they would have more options available. 

...That was probably a mistake to say that lol. Give the customer more options.
but they were really intrigued with the knowledge that we had more guinea pigs available. 

In any case.
From their wording.
I half expected them to be banging on the doors right as we opened this morning.
Because it sounded like they wanted to be in the store ASAP so they could get that guinea pig.

They didn't show up until after lunch lol. 

But surprise surprise.
Their guinea pig they wanted was still there!

Which would have made helping them so much easier....
If they hadn't remembered that I had told them yesterday that I had more guinea pigs.

Curiosity had them wanting to see what other guinea pigs we had.
Just so they could make sure they grabbed the best one that they liked best.

So I lead them to the back and showed them the other guinea pigs we had waiting there.

And the customer loved a creamy colored one.
But was still debating about whether or not she liked the grey and white one that was currently visible on the floor.

Not wanting to stand in the back and have them dither about it.
I lead the customers back to where the other guinea pig was.
Taking the cream one with me.
I then grabbed out the grey one.
And held them out side by side so the customer could see the two of them together at the same time. 

After a minute or so of deliberation, the customer ended up picking the cream one from the back lol.
Which I guess means it was a good thing that they asked to see the others so they got the one they really wanted. :) 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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