Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Fiesty Kitty

It was rather the unconventional sight that confronted me when I walked into work this morning to clock in. 
I saw the cart first. By the cat adoption center.
The cart where we place all the food on so that we can easily feed said animals.
It really didn't have a reason to be over by the cats though, as all their supplies are right there within reach. 
So I was wondering if my coworkers last night had been pulled away after closing down the back rooms where we keep our extra animals -as the cat adoption center is nearby that-

When I noticed that within the cat adoption center...all supplies we use to clean the cages out, replace litter, and give food/water....were still all out. 

O.o What had happened last night that my coworkers couldn't even put away the supplies?

And then I saw the cat.
It was loose.
Wandering around the adoption center.

()_() AHHH!!

And then I made it to the door to the adoption center and saw the note on top of it.

The note simply stating that one should not open the door because the cat within had gone crazy and wouldn't go back in the cage and hopefully it would be calmer in the morning. 


It happens occasionally.
Where one of the cats up for adoption gets super freaked out.
Hissing, clawing, scratching, darting underneath the cages and basically yowling up a storm.
Because they're stressed, and on edge, and more than likely don't like the other kitties.

That was basically the case with this particular cat.

And I wasn't that surprised, 
As I'd noted yesterday morning when cleaning the cages, that the kitty was on edge.
She hadn't liked coming out of her cage.
-But because the kitties within had totally messed up their living quarters, I had to get everything and the cats out of the cage to clean it up.
That particular kitty hadn't liked it.
It was skittish and scared and wanted to just stay in it's little home and hide. 

It took a little bit of work to coax her back in, but I hadn't thought anything more on it than "hmm leave her within the cage next time." 

I dunno what happened last night...I can only guess that my coworker needed to do another deeper cleaning of that particular cage due to the multiple cats and had done like I'd done and pulled the cats out of the cage as well to let them wander around the adoption center. 

Only...whatever had happened....that poor kitty had become even more freaked out.
To the point where my coworker couldn't get her back into the cage.

You could kinda see the path of destruction and the various methods my coworker had tried to get the kitty out from under the cages and back into it's cage. 

So once I clocked in and set my stuff down.
I went to work, to get the kitty locked back up.

It took a bit of time and patience, 
But thankfully the kitty had calmed down enough overnight that she wasn't scratching or clawing or anything.
Just hissing/growling. But once I got a hand on her (hand covered with a bite glove as a precaution) I was able to pull her out and set her in a separate empty cage away from the other cats she'd been in with before. 
So hopefully the slight space separation from the others will help her to calm down and relax.

Only time will tell. :) 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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