Tuesday, November 14, 2017

A WEEK?!?!

There was a customer on the phone today, with a southern accent with a simple enough question.

She wanted to know how long it would take the money show up in her account after she returned an item to our store yesterday. 
After double checking if she'd used a Debit or Credit card and finding out she used a Debit card.
I told her that it could be within a day, but could also take up to a week for the money to show up.

And it was like the woman hadn't even heard the first part where it could show back up in the account in a day.
No all she heard was "Up to a week." 
and for whatever reason, that sent her temper into full on volcano mode.

"UP TO A WEEK!? WHY I NEVER!" *shakes head* 
She was like "Everywhere else it's 2-3 days! Why in the world would it take up to a week for my money to come back?!" 

Which....she made it sound like she needed that money to show back up in her account NOW. 
Which left me confused...as usually with debit cards our policy is to give the money back in cash because of that very reason. That it takes a couple of days for the money to show back up in the account. Why she got it back on her card...not sure...but honestly...I couldn't see why she was freaking out. The money would be back in her account within the week. 

But she was still stuck on that "seven days" sort of week thing.
And was like. "You believe it's up to seven days?! Do you KNOW how long it takes?" 
To which I was mentally rolling my eyes at this woman. and I calmly interrupted her and said that I could double check with a manager to see for sure what the answer was.
Which I did.
And I returned to tell her that the manager had stated that it takes 3-5 days to show back up in the account, but could be up to a week if the return was done on a weekend. Because it's 3-5 business days.

And that seemed to calm her right down. As she hung up soon after.

*shakes head* 
Don't get it. 
Really don't get it.
Why did she get so upset?
Why was she checking the DAY AFTER she returned an item if she knew that other places took 2-3 days to put the money back in the account? *shakes head* 
I have no idea.

But instead of being annoyed by the encounter, I was more amused.
because really...it was a stupid reason to get upset.
And because her accent...I actually liked listening to it. So the fact that she was mad while it registered, didn't really bother me.
It was just well...funny to hear that southern bell accent trying to be mad. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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