Monday, November 13, 2017

Looking for Help

There was a woman and her son who came into the store pretty early this morning.
Probably just after opening really.
They'd come in to check out the fish tanks and such.
And the woman was like. "What sort of fish tank should we get." 
And after a few questions of my own, I directed her to the types of tanks that would suit what she and her son were interested in getting. 

And I continued to give her advice, information, and answer her questions.

To which she was like. "I've been in multiple pet stores." (she may have said 'been in here multiple times') "And I've never met someone as helpful as you have been."

She was rather grateful for that fact.
That I was willing to answer her questions, volunteer information....

Which always catches me off guard when customers are surprised at this.

Because like...that's why I'm here?
I'm here to answer your questions. 
I'm here to help you figure out where something is, what animal to get, how to take care of your pet.
That's why I was trained, that's why I'm in this particular department.
I'm here to help the customers find a pet to take home and to try and help them make caring for their new pet as easy as possible.

At least I was able to give her a clearer picture of what she wants to get. :)  Yay. lol. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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