Saturday, November 18, 2017

Gravel Decisions

There are days where there are customers that just....automatically drive you crazy.
Because they have this desperate insatiable hunger to be told what is right. To be told that the thing they researched on the internet is definitely the correct thing.

And it gets....rather draining. To try and validate that customer when they expect you to know everything...and you don't.


I had one of those customers today.
It was a woman who wanted to get a tank set up that had live plants in it, but she also wanted to put in betta fish so she could breed them.

And she was like "I need this special rock for the plants to survive in, but I also need sand and gravel." 

Which....I didn't quite see why she needed the three different soils.
Usually for our aquatic plants I just recommend the gravel that has nutrients in it and is meant specifically for plants to grow in.

But this woman wasn't hearing it.
She needed Sand.
She needed good rock.

And she wasn't going to hear anything different.
But wasn't listening when I offered suggestions.

Because she had this book.
That she'd picked up from a book store.

That detailed with setting up fishtanks for aquatic plants to survive in. 
And she wanted to follow it exactly.

Only her hang up was that the book didn't detail tank set ups for bettas.

And she wanted to make sure everything would be safe for the betta.

And it was getting to the point where I was like. "Lady. It's aquatic stuff. It's meant to be in the water. The bettas are meant to be in the water. Therefore the two should do well together."

I didn't.
Not exactly.
I basically just went. "Okay you need this, this, and this." and pointed to the rocks and gravel and sand that I thought would work best with what I saw in her book thingy.

Which basically was what she wanted.
She just wanted to be told direct things.
Didn't want to be given options.
Didn't want to make decisions.
She just wanted to be told.

So I told her.

Hopefully that tank works out well for her.

-Sarnic Dirchi 

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