Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The Walk Away

There was a father and son duo that came into work today.
Looking to buy more betta fish because theirs had died.
But they were also looking to add in some neon tetras, and some algae eaters into their tank as well.

To which I tried to get a general idea of what size their tank was so I could recommend the right sort of fish for them.
But I could only get a vague "it's small" answer out of them.
Who knows if it was a gallon or five gallons. 
But apparently 'small' was a good enough answer. >.< 

So knowing that it was small, I tried to recommend some snails to them as they usually do a good job of keeping the smaller tanks.

Only to be met with the response of: "We tried those, they died." 

And the father basically ignored me after that point.
Saying. "Alright, son, you pick out two bettas one for you and one for soandso and then we'll grab four neons and two algae eaters." 

Which. The son could easily pick out bettas. 
Which he did. 
He picked out a $4 betta....and a $15 betta.
And I warned him. "That's $15" and he was like. "I'll ask my dad if it's okay."

But the main thing was the father hadn't ever said directly to me. "We need four neons and two algae eaters." 

He just was talking to his son.
And then walked off.
To who knows where.

So me, being the good person I am.
Fished out his fish.
Four neons. And two otos (as they stay small) 
And bagged them up in one bag.
Handed them to the son.

And sent him on his merry way. 

Only for the father to be like. ()_() You put them all in one bag?!?!

-Because apparently those fish needed to be divided out.
Which he hadn't told me.
Because he walked away.

So I took matters into my own hands and just put them into one bag. 
And he was like. "Could you divide them out?" 
To which I gave him a neutral look, waiting for him to tell me how he wanted them divided.
Because he was like. "We don't have a net!! How are we going to get them out of the bag?" 

"We sell nets for $5" was my response.
Which apparently seemed to satisfy him as he didn't wait around to tell me how to divide the fish. Instead he was like "Okay, we'll figure something out."

The man definitely wasn't a patient fellow that's for sure. *shakes head* 

I do wonder if he even realized his son bought a $15 betta fish, or if he just assumed the price was form other things they bought?

I wasn't about to point it out to him....mostly because I was curious to see if he'd notice.

He either didn't. Or he didn't care. *shakes head* 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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