Saturday, October 24, 2020

A Logo

We had a customer come up to the register wanting to know if we carried masks with the store's logo/name on them because the customer saw one of my cashiers wearing a mask with our store name on it.

And like...I see people walk into our store all the time wearing masks with other store's names or logos on them. But I have always assumed that those wearing those masks work for the store shown on the mask.

Like I can see why people would want to support stores that they like by wearing merch with their names on it. 

At the same's weird. I could see it for a sports team or a specific college or something along those lines.

But wearing merch for a retail store? I don't understand why people would want to.

I mean yes we do sell masks and people do buy them to wear them...but none of them have our logo on them to my knowledge...or if they do it's rather small and not noticeable. 

Maybe the dude was wanting to add to his collection of masks?

Who knows.

Though I can see why stores wouldn't want to have their names visible on masks that don't belong to their workers. 

Especially with all the protests and civil unrest and political events happening this year. I don't think any store would want their name shown to be worn by an individual if an event the individual was in were to end up public or headline news. 

I can see stores wanting to tread carefully that way. So as to not appear to take sides one way or the other in various things.

But yah...I don't think the guy ended up buying any of the masks we did sell....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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