Monday, October 19, 2020

Cold Water

Had a customer come into the store wanting to get new fish because all but one of theirs had died. And they'd tried multiple different kinds of fish in their tank...only to have them all die.

After talking to the customer a bit. It sounded like they'd neglected to put a heater in their tank. Which considering all the fish they'd mentioned buying were tropical fish...and we've been going through a bit of a cold snap where it gets colder at night than normal...more than likely it was the temperature of the water that was causing the fish to die. 

Though there is also the possibility that the customer was also putting in too many fish too soon. 

After showing the customer the heaters and recommending that they buy that and warm up their tank first before getting anymore fish.

The customer chose not to do that. Insisting that their one single fish needed a couple of friends to go with it since it's a community fish and likes to have other of it's kind with it.

But not only that the customer tried to buy four more fish on top of that...after I recommended that they didn't buy more than two or three fish. 


So I had to reexplain that that would be a bad idea.

It felt like I had to tell this customer two or three times various bits of info to try and help them keep their fish alive. *shakes head*

Hopefully this recent batch the customer bought does better...though if they don't have a heater I doubt they'll last long. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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