Thursday, October 8, 2020

Next Trend

It seems to be the season of goldfish as I feel like 9/10 times if a customer has needed my help this past week, it's because they're wanting to get a goldfish or two.

Which...I know that animals go through phases in the store.

Where suddenly everyone wants the same creature.

So it's not surprising that it's the goldfish's turn to be the 'in' creature for the week.

At the same time is rather weird. Because like...why a goldfish? Why not a betta fish? Especially if you're trying to keep a fish alive in a bowl. Bettas will be a bit more hardy than goldfish will ever be. Especially if it's a kid's first pet.

Like why not set the kid up for success and help them keep an easier creature alive than a goldfish.

*shakes head*

I don't get it. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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