Friday, October 30, 2020

Chameleon Fascination

 Had a homeless guy come into the store today and become fascinated with our chameleon. 

As the chameleon had come to the front of its cage and appeared to be interacting with him as he put his finger up next to it. 

As I was walking past, he turned to me and asked if he could hold the chameleon. 

I had to tell him that due to the pandemic, we aren't allowing the handling of pets unless the individual is planning to buy the animal that day.

To which the dude went on a spiel of how he had worked for some institute of health/science/something and he and his team had eradicated viruses so they no longer existed.

*shakes head*

No...pretty sure you didn't get rid of all viruses. Especially since my state broke a new record on reported covid cases today. 

And even if he had destroyed all viruses...I still couldn't let him hold the pet per our current policies. 

He didn't like that much...

And a little while later he wandered by our fish wall asking if we had any crickets. To which I showed him them and he asked if the chameleon would eat little crickets.

I could see where he was heading. Either he wanted to buy some crickets to feed to our chameleon, or else he wanted us to feed the chameleon so he could watch. 

I had to shut him down again though by telling him that we'd already fed the chameleon this morning.

It didn't dissuade him though. He mentioned coming back tomorrow then to feed the chameleon then.

I wonder if he'll actually come...hopefully I'm not around if he does. 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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