Saturday, October 10, 2020

Busy Busy Busy

It was one of those busy Saturdays. 

Which pre-pandemic is pretty normal.

Like the typical 'need 3 registers going' throughout the day sort of busy. 

But with the still feels quite weird to have so many customers in the store.

Especially since we're not yet officially into the 'holiday season' where tons of people venture into the store to buy pets for their kids and such.

However, I suppose it's to be expected that we'd see more customers coming into the store as the pandemic drags on and more and more people decide that they need to have a pet of some sort.

And with a pet you need the supplies for it....hence why they come to us.


It's kinda stressful seeing an uptick of customers coming in when we have an uptick of cases happening currently in our county.


Makes me dread the upcoming holiday season even more.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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