Tuesday, May 12, 2015

MLAARE -Display Tank Catching

So we have these three display tanks at work.
Each filled with a different type of fish.
One is filled with Goldfish.
The next has Semi-Aggressive Fish.
The Final has the Tropical Community (the Nice Fish)

They're display fish.
Which means.
We don't sell them.
We usually don't.

The Gold fish are easy to catch, so we place fish in there where people can get them if they want them.

The other two tanks.
Those fish are soo difficult to catch, we don't catch them. They're display fish.
Only, some customers don't realize that.

The other day, I had a customer come in. Tall fellow, doesn't speak much English.
Who said he wanted some of the fish in the display tanks.
And they weren't Goldfish.
He wanted some of the Bala Sharks in our tanks.

And I explained to him, that those aren't for sale, that we have other Bala's in tanks of fish that were for sale.
But he insisted.
He wanted those Bala Sharks.
Because they were bigger of course. They'd been in there for a while.

Basically I'd been speaking and wasting my breath. Because he kept pointing to the fish in the display tanks. *sighs*
I wasted like 10 minutes trying to catch those fish >.< The display tanks are not set up for easy access to the fish. >.<

Honestly I was hoping the guy would realize that I wasn't going to catch said fish anytime soon and change his mind.
But he didn't.

So I finally caught them. Yay.
Bagged them up.
To find him staring at our other display tank of the tropical community fish. (The Bala's were in the Semi Aggressive Tank.)

And he points to like three Zebra Danios and a couple Red Minors in that tank and indicates that he wants them too. (And those Danios are Old. They've been there since before I came to the store.)
I again told him, that we have those same fish (albeit smaller) in other tanks. And that he shouldn't get those anyways.
Because the Bala Sharks could kill the Danios and Tetras because it's semi aggressive with non aggressive fish!
But he didn't comprehend a word of that.
Because he again indicated that he wanted those fish.
So I spent like 20 freaking minutes trying to catch the little guys.
All the while the guy is patiently waiting.
I nearly wanted to just drop the net and say "I'm sorry I can't catch these fish."
But I didn't.
I persevered and caught the things.

Thankfully that was all he wanted, and he hasn't asked me to catch any of the other display fish yet. *sighs in relief* Even though I've seen him in the store again since that point.
Also, the manager Sirch has also indicated that he doesn't want us catching fish for the customers in those two tanks anymore. YAY! (The goldfish tank is still fine, those are easy fish to catch.)

-Sarnic Dirchi

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