Tuesday, May 26, 2015

MLAARE -Where's The Stuff?

I hate it when we move things around in our store.
I can understand why we do it,
It makes things looks different, draws customer's eyes to knew products that they'd walked right past before.

But it's so annoying when our departments expand or shrink or move around.
Because then I have to field many many many questions about where everything went.
Seriously, if we do this with aisles we should make a sign that says "Bird Food has been moved to this aisle."
It wouldn't stop the questions for sure.
But it would lessen them.

So, my department's aisles have been all messed up, because we're shrinking it down by one aisle.
And in particular, our Bird section of the store.
Has drastically shrunk.
I guess Corporate decided we don't sell a lot of bird things? Who knows.
But because we were shrinking it down, we were selling through a lot of things.
Which means that the shelves looked pretty empty until we reset it all.

So everyday I'd get the question. "Are you guys no longer carrying bird stuff?"
"Are you guys getting rid of your bird section?"

Not quite.
The bird food has moved to by the fish, the bird toys shrunk to a third of it's former size.

Totally crazy.
But we're still carrying bird stuff. Just not in as much variety as before.
Maybe it means we'll get in new product for them more often though....who knows.

I don't think our bird customers are going to be happy though.
Because I don't know about the other stores....but we sell through a lot of birds in ours....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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