Wednesday, May 20, 2015

MLAARE -A Little Snack

There are always those coworkers that do crazy things.
Where you wonder....why in the world, would you do that?

I was told by one of the cashiers, something she'd seen my coworker do as they were opening the department today.
That she was pretty sure that she'd seen this coworker....
Eating some of the Hamster food.

This particular coworker is crazy.
But could they be that crazy?

I'm not sure.

Eating Hamster food?
I double checked with the cashier "What did it look like they were eating?"
She described it, drew a picture. looked a lot like the hamster food.

I had my doubts.

Because I'd passed by the food cart multiple times as my coworker was opening up the department.
I'd seen them also back at the vending machine as well,
and upon the cart.
Was a packet of Fruit snacks.

I'm pretty sure this is what my cashier saw them eating.
And the cashier couldn't be for sure what she saw, as there were some displays hiding the cart from view.

It was odd that she described the hamster food though.
Because it looks nothing like the fruit snacks.

Still, I hope that it was just fruit snacks my coworker was eating.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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