Thursday, May 7, 2015

MLAARE -Orandas

I have another 'fun' customer I have to deal with.
I call him the "Oranda Guy."
Because he has a big interest in the Oranda Goldfish.

And therein lies the problem.

Something about his tank is making the fish he buys, unhappy.
Where they just sit at the bottom, not moving.

I would think that would mean his tank isn't getting enough oxygen.
But everything I ask him... He says he already has.

Though I can't be sure.
Because English isn't his first language. So I'm not sure how much he actually understands of what I say. *sighs*
If I had the choice to gain any super power....the ability to speak to people in their native languages....would be among my choices. It would make things a lot easier.  When it comes to communicating with others who's language I haven't learned yet...

In any case.
In the middle of trying to communicate with him, some how things came across wrong when I was explaining how to care for his fish.
And he thought, we here at the store, would care for his fish, and when they got better...he could come back and buy them.
*sighs* Certainly we do that within 14 days of any purchase of other aren't like that.
Unfortunately...I ended up taking them to one of our tanks where we place fish that aren't feeling well, to treat the two oranda's anyway. Mostly because I was tired of trying to talk to the guy.

His fish looked fine enough once I got them into the tank.
And after a few days, I called him in to come get the fish.

O.o and somehow between the call and him coming....One of the fish randomly died.
>.< So not cool fish. so not cool.

Apparently, in the mean time he'd come and gotten some more Orandas.
Also ones that weren't doing well... *sighs* (Really...I have to wonder what is up with his tank.)
And so we basically just exchanged two Orandas  (one of his original ones and a new one) for his other two he'd gotten soon after leaving the others with us.

I thought that was the end of him.
But just like the Turtle guy...
He keeps coming back.

The Very Next Day.
He came back in to return his fish that he'd gotten yesterday.
And instead got some more smaller fish.

*sighs* Hopefully the smaller fish are doing better.
It's gotten to the point with this gentleman, that I don't want to deal with him. And I'm thankful when one of my other coworkers encounters him before I do.
Though apparently he knows me as "the skinny girl."

Hmmm Yah, hopefully his fish are doing better....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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