Tuesday, May 19, 2015

MLAARE -The Sideways Glofish

Sometimes I wonder if people call work just because they liked to complain.

I had a woman call the store, because she was having a problem with her fish.
Three fish specifically.
Three Red Glofish Tetras that had begun to swim funny after like 6 months of owning them. (Which meant that we would not accept them back as a return because it had been too long.)
Their swimming was described both as "swimming on their sides." but also "swimming vertically" with their heads pointed to the ground.

Plus she was quick to point out that none of her other fish were acting funny. Just those ones.
That everything in the tank was the same, nothing had changed.

And I was like. "Well....it could be an air bladder issue."
Because the fish have these organs that control their buoyancy so they could float or sink as they wish.

Most of the time. Sideways swimming fish have that problem. Especially if they float to the top.
But she was quick again to point out that that wasn't it. That they were the ONLY fish acting funny, that all the others were acting fine.

So my guesses that it could be a parasite, a bacteria, a fungus,
Were shot down as quickly as I brought it up.

On the simple fact that all the other fish were fine.
Obviously it was something wrong with those particular tetras. Just them.

To which I agreed.
But again I still thought it was a bacteria sort of thing or one of the options I mentioned. After all. Just because one fish gets 'sick' doesn't mean that all the other fish will get sick too. Especially since we don't know what's causing them to swim weird anyways.

She finally said "We think it may be their genetics."
Which it could be. I agreed with her. 
Sure. It could be that. The GloTetras are after all just regular Tetras that have a gene (from a jellyfish I think.) spliced into their DNA so they are genetically altered or however that explanation works.  I know they're genetically altered.

And she seemed surprised at the information.
That GloTetras were just regular Tetras.
*cue rolling of the eyes*
Obviously....GloTetras...are Tetras....that's why they have the same name.....

In any case. She got rather mad at me.
That we were genetically altering fish. And that they weren't staying healthy because of it! That we should stop!

And I was like. "Ma'am...all animals have their medical problems. Genetically altering fish is just like breeding dogs. You breed them to get certain characteristics, and with those characteristics you get side effects. It's nothing that hasn't been done for years before."

Then she was like "So who will take our fish!"
Because obviously sick fish had to be gotten rid off.
So I listed off a couple of stores, but said that since they were sick, they probably wouldn't take them.

She was still unhappy when she finally hung up.
Unhappy that she had no real solution to her sick fish. (Because she wouldn't listen to actual solutions nor could I accurately diagnose it over the phone without seeing it.)

Basically....I consider her to be a perfectionist.
And to have living animals not be perfect.......definitely wasn't her ideal.
Especially only after six months of them being in her tank.

Sometimes....fish just die. Fish just act weird. It's not easy to say why they were randomly swimming sideways....

-Sarnic Dirchi

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