Saturday, May 30, 2015

MLAARE -Trashed Again

I guess it's a good thing I came into work later than usual for my first evening shift in a long while.

As, I checked in with my morning opener before they left for the day.
Asking how the Bedding Changes went and such.
And commented that a cage that I knew to be empty was missing a sign.

To which my coworker acknowledged and then pointed out that there was another cage that had been empty when they went to clean it out.
The Corn Snake Cage.

Alarm bells rang in my head.
The Corn Snake cage was empty?!
That could not be right.
As I'd counted all our animals the day before.
And guess what?
The corn snake had been in there.

Of course it could have been that the snake was sold between then and now.
So I double checked in inventory.
Guess what?
The snake still showed in our system.
which meant.
It was still in the store.

But my coworker swore up and down and left to right that there was no snake in the bedding when they'd cleaned out that cage. They'd gone through it very carefully to ensure that it was not there.
But maybe the other opener had cleaned the cage and the second hadn't realized it.
I seriously doubted that.
I had more trust in the first opener than the second...

And considering that we'd already had had one snake tossed away a couple of months ago.
I wasn't going to dismiss the thought that it too had ended up in the garbage.

Considering that the snake was basically the same color as the bedding it burrowed in.
It was more than likely.
Considering that I know how 'carefully' this coworker goes through was more than more than likely. Their 'careful' isn't very careful.

So I tracked down the garbage bag.
Thankfully this time it hadn't ended up yet in the dumpster, hadn't yet been taken by the garbage truck.

So I was able to pull it out and open it.
And dig through the bedding.
Within like 4 handfuls of bedding.

There it was.

The snake.
Alive and well.

*sighs of relief*

Back into his cage he went.

I'm pretty sure that the one coworker did toss the snake in the trash -total accident of course- as my other opener, I later talked to said they hadn't done the cage cleaning for those cages.

Oh well.
Mistakes happen.
At least this time around we were able to save the snake. :S

-Sarnic Dirchi

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