Friday, May 15, 2015

MLAARE -Goldfish Mishap

Once a week or so, we receive in a shipment of Goldfish.
The feeder ones. (Otherwise known as the Carnival goldfish cus you often find them there.)
We carry them in three different sizes.
Because animals of different sizes eat them as food.
-Or else people want different sizes for their ponds/fishtanks other random things....

In any case.
We got in a shipment this week.
On my day off.
So I wasn't there to receive it.

I didn't think there would be any problems.
But I forgot that I don't think I've shown any of the other coworkers how to put the fish out. I think I did...but maybe I forgot to tell them sizes? I don't know.
I do know that we were out of like....all our sizes.
A handful left if that when our shipment came in.

So all the tanks were basically empty.
And on the paper it said that they sent us 3 different sizes of fish.

So I would think it would be clear enough....
Which fish go where.
Plus they're in three different bags.
So therefore, the largest go in one, the middle in the middle, the smallest in the other....

Even more so, the numbers were so different. 1200 of these, 600 of those, 250 of the rest.
So it would be obvious just looking at the bags...which ones go in which tank.

When I came in the next day though....
Things were not well at all.

In that, none of the fish had been put into their right tanks.

In fact 2 of the three bags.
Had been put into the 'smallest' fish tanks.
When only one bag should have gone there.
That was 1800 fish.
Over crowded fish.
As 2/3 of them had been placed into one tank.

While our largest fish, had been placed in the mid sized fish tank. Not as big of an issue as they weren't over crowded, but still in the wrong spot.

Talk about a YIKES!! Moment.

I mean. Honestly?
Why would you not FIX that as soon as you realized the mistake?

It's simple really.
By the time the mistake was realized, my coworker was out of time. It didn't help that they had to run the store by themselves because another coworker called in sick, leaving the first to open all by themselves. :S A time consuming and stressful task.
So I can understand why the mistake wasn't fixed by them....
Then it could have gotten busier later....with the night people possibly not knowing that anything was wrong....

In any case.
I came in and saw the problem.
And sprung to action.

Moving 3/4 of the fish into their proper tanks, so that, for one, they get sold correctly. And two so the fish have more room to move in their proper locations.

Such a time consuming task.
But one that needed to be done, immediately.

Yay for getting the fish into their right tanks. :D

-Sarnic Dirchi

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