Saturday, May 23, 2015

MLAARE -Jelly Glos

Gotta love it when customers don't listen to you.
Really, you tell them something, and they ignore it.

Sooo remember a few days ago, when I talked about the lady who called about the Glofish?
The ones swimming funny when all the others are swimming weird?

their presence in the tank was too much for the customer to handle.
It was probably like an itch they could not scratch.
Just something that bothered them every time they looked into their tank.
And saw those three glofish swimming along in a odd manner.

It was too much.
The perfect state of the tank ruined.
Something had to be done.

At work.
There my manager was.
Doing the usual work things of helping customers.

When one customer walked up to him.
Bag of glofish in hand.
Yes. The same customer.

"I have a present for you!" She said cheerily.
And gave the bag to my manager.

Like over the phone,
She didn't want to hear that it was a bacterial infection causing the fish to swim odd.

After all, remember, all the other fish were fine.
She wouldn't hear that only certain fish could get sick.
If one gets sick, surely all would get sick.

She'd gotten it stuck in her head, that the fish were at fault. For being altered. For having a fluorescent gene added to them to make them glow. Genetically altered.
And she was upset (still) that we would sell genetically altered fish.
Because obviously something was wrong with them.
They were totally swimming like a jelly fish would now!

She wanted nothing to do with them.
And so gave them back.
>.< Even though I had told her over the phone that we do not accept fish after a certain time period!

I hate it when the customer doesn't listen.

But, she was the sort of customer, where you can tell.
Just accept the fish, smile, wave them out the door, and hope they don't come back again.

And so. The woman has her life back in order again.
The imperfect fish. Gone. Her tank swimming all normally.

If I ever own my own pet store, I will have a big fish tank in the front of the store. Hundreds and hundreds of gallons. With a fancy sign above it that says "Donate Fish."
And anyone who doesn't want their fish any more can just put the fish there.
Walla. Fish tank full of fish for customers to look at..
Customers no longer having to worry about fish they don't want.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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