Tuesday, July 7, 2015

MLAARE -Check the Clogs

Our gravel vacuum broke at work yesterday.
In such a way that the usual methods of trying to fix it.
Resulted in nothing whatsoever being changed.
You see...gravel vacuums are supposed to suck up the gunk from the tanks.
The system we have sends the dirty water straight into a sink.
For some reason, the water flow wasn't sucking...it was sending water back into the tanks.
Which we really didn't need.
And I had no idea what was wrong with it.

My manager though, he asked "Did you check the other side." Meaning the part connecting to the sink. "To see if its clogged?"
I'd glanced at it. Had thought it looked clear.
but after he pulled apart the pieces, we found a build up of stuff trapped,
Making the suction weaken and weaken until it was nonexistent.

So he cleared it out.
And today, when I used it.

Yay! :D
It was back to its old fast self again,
Instead of the slow time consuming self it has been for the past couple of weeks.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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