Friday, July 24, 2015

MLAARE -Pin Pads

I was met with a different sight when I came into my store this morning.
There was a woman I'd never seen before.
Messing around with our Pin Pads on the registers.

What was she doing?

Replacing them.


We were getting NEW Pin Pads.


...Honestly I feel like we got new ones soon after I was hired...or else they just changed the procedure on it....there was a change with it at some point.

But no.
These ones.
Are New.

They're so sleek and shiny.
And different from our old Pin Pad devices.

Our old ones were fully touch screen.

These ones, return to the key pad, but the touch screen is just as big.
Its brighter. Easier to read.
So cool!!

And it seems so much faster.
The information that is trying to be conveyed, much more understandable for customers.

I'm impressed. ^^

I wasn't expecting to get these new Pin Pads, but I'm happy we did. :D

-Sarnic Dirchi

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