Tuesday, July 21, 2015

MLAARE -Flooded Again

I had to dash home during my lunch break today.
Which is something I usually don't do...
Because its a stressful thing to try and get home and back to work in like a 30 minute period.
I usually end up being late getting back due to slow traffic. XP bleh.

But this time...it was kinda necessary.
Well, one of my coworkers had been gravel vacuuming....
And had neglected to take some sponges out of the sink.
So the sponge...had drifted over the drain and plugged it.

We ended up flooding the back room.
Happens every two or three months recently it seems like. lol.
My coworker was like "Umm....the sink somehow got clogged and the department's flooding.'
I made sure she'd turned off the water, and headed back to see that we did indeed have a flood on our hands.

It hadn't yet reached the point of being visible on the floor, but it was going to be soon if it had its way.
So I dashed to the furthest reaches and placed a towel in the way,
but the water was thick enough, that as I swept frantically at the water to get the main flow back towards the drain on the opposite side of the room, the water would flow over my shoes.
Soaking them and the socks within.

Normally, not a big deal. Wet shoes dry.
But I still had 3 hours on my shift.
And it wasn't just plain water.
We had two sinks next to each other, and the other sink had had a strong cleaning chemical in it.
So a rather diluted water flood was happening.

And this cleaning chemical, can cause irritation to the skin, even burns if strong enough.
And my feet were soaked in diluted cleaning solution.
It may have been my paranoia, but I felt like my feet were beginning to burn...
So I quickly swept the water back with the help of my coworker and finished the task I'd been interrupted in, before I took a lunch.
So I could go home.
And rinse out my shoes and socks in the tub, wash off my feet and get a different pair of shoes and socks before grabbing some food and heading back to work.

I was three minutes late.
But at least my feet were dry and I wouldn't have to worry about possible chemical reactions. ^^ Yay!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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