Wednesday, July 29, 2015

MLAARE --Tortoise Problems

*bangs head against wall* 

Co. Work. Ers. 

Some days, they make things much more of a hassle then they should. 

I had a customer bring back in a Tortoise after having it for nearly two weeks. 
Apparently the Tortoise wasn't eating.
Hadn't eaten after the first couple of days. 
And apparently the customers had tried to feed him everything to make him eat. Done everything right, from what I could understand. 
Yet. The Tortoise wasn't eating.

Which meant something was wrong, obviously. 
So they returned the Tortoise.
I looked at him,
He was alert.
Trying to get out of my hands.

It didn't look like there was anything wrong with him.
I wouldn't know how he was eating until after a few days. Stress can get a tortoise off his food. So he may not eat for a few days, not a major issue with Tortoises, they can go a bit without food.  
But since there was nothing visibly wrong with him.
I put him back out on the floor. 

I didn't get a chance to see if he ate any of the food I offered him.
As this happened at the end of my shift. 

This morning. 
I came in.
To find the Tortoise not on the floor. 
He'd been isolated. 


One of my coworkers, who instead of doing their job, decided to come stare at the animals. 
They tend to do that. Just wander over from their duties. And look at the animals, before coming to find me. Crying wolf more often than not. That something was wrong. When in fact. There is nothing wrong. 

Last week, they came to me claiming that our Milksnake had mites. Because there were dark spots on the white bands of the belly of the snake. 
When I went over there. Checked out the snake.
And it was just coloring on the bottom.
Coworker was certain it was mites, until I showed them the snake. And they realized. All the white bands had those dark spots, and they were flush with the skin.
No problem. 

So. Frustrating.
Because this coworker isn't even in my department! I would be more understanding if they were around the snakes all the time instead of just looking at them through the glass. But they work in other areas. They just come to look. And think they're being helpful when in fact they're just pulling me away from my work to go look at something that isn't wrong at all. 

I came in to find that my coworker had again, been looking at the animals.
And they apparently claimed that they saw Parasites on the Tortoise. 
That in the feces there were little worms wiggling around.
So obviously, the Tortoise had to be sick, had to be isolated. 
The cage fully cleaned out. 

Well, I looked at the Tortoise AGAIN.
And he was fine.
No parasites on him.
Active as ever.

There is no feces in this cage to examine for parasites. 
I couldn't just put him back on the floor.
Because who knows.
The tortoise could have something wrong. 

Yet I'm irritated.
Because from what a manager said, basically all the coworkers now believe that this tortoise is sick when he for all appearances is fine! 
So my coworker isn't only causing a ruckus with the animals, but a ruckus in the store. And took time out of our day to clean out the cage.
Possibly for nothing.

*bangs head against wall.* 
So. Tired. Of. This. Coworker crying wolf!

Now I have to wait and see if the Tortoise actually does have a parasite/worm problem in the feces. 
If it proves to be true. Then great. This coworker actually found a problem.
If it doesn't.
All the more reason why I'm going to be more irritated with taking the Tortoise off the floor. 

-Sarnic Dirchi 

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