Tuesday, July 21, 2015

MLAARE -Not an Option

There is one thing I don't like about hamsters.
It's how delicate they are.

Like, if anything at all goes wrong with them....
Its very difficult to give them a good life after that point.
Because they are so sensitive to chemicals and medicines...
Surgery and putting them under for that....is never an option.
Because the stress can kill them. :(

I was opening up the department.
Moving animals around to make room for new ones to come out to the floor to be sold.
When I happened to notice that a hamster,
a little Winter White.
Wasn't moving around right.
Or barely at all.
Upon a closer look, I saw that one of his back legs...
Was dragging.


Most likely broken.

It was hard to tell for sure.
As hamsters are very wiggley.

But a limb not working...
Bad sign.

It meant we needed to take him to the vet.
Which we did within the hour of discovering him injured.

I'd had hopes, that perhaps he'd be able to be saved.
Amputate the leg, or splint it or something.

But I left work before I found out what happened to him.

when I came back into work this morning.
He wasn't there.

Which means.
That more than likely, the decision was to put the hamster to sleep.
So depressing.
But in the long run...the best option.
Because his quality of life wouldn't have been good. He would have been in pain.
And operating would be pointless because again, they don't do well under surgery, more likely to die than not.

Its rather disappointing.
I always root for the creature to make it.
So when it doesn't. :( I'm heart broken.

Poor hamster...
Wish we could have done more for you. :(

-Sarnic Dirchi 

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