Wednesday, July 8, 2015

MLAARE -Noisy Chaotic

There are some customers, that come into the store like a whirlwind.
Not in a "Make a mess of the store" sort of whirlwind,
But just like a...very noisy/chaotic scenario.

I had that happen today.

I happened to look towards the entrance of the store, when they came in. Parents, three children.
Their presence immediately spoke "trouble"
Not the 'bad' trouble but the "difficult customer" trouble.
Seriously, it felt like a thunderstorm breaking upon me.

What did they want?
But it was difficult to help.
Because the father was loudly proclaiming that he wanted "Pregnant Mollies."
And the daughters were exclaiming what fish/frogs they wanted.
while the mother was like "No, no. No!" to everything with the one minded focus of "We have to get plecos because the tank is disgusting!"

Basically...they're the sort of customers where you speak very little, and try and help them as quickly as possible to make a choice, while trying to ensure that they don't try to put fish together that don't go together.

Plus, they were more impulse buyers as well. Starting with a few fish, but adding in more and more fish as they saw others in the store.

At least I got them on their way with their fish.

But after dealing with them, I really felt the need to go take a break.
To decompress.
Because wow.
They were a handful to deal with.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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