Thursday, July 30, 2015

MLAARE -Short Staffed

Next week is NOT going to be fun. 
Or the Week after. 
Maybe even the week after. 

We had a coworker quit. 
In that its sudden. 
We knew they would possibly be leaving.
But with them quitting like this.
So quickly, and unexpectedly.

Its left us thin staffed. 

Thin enough.
That in order to be able to cover the hours we're open.
We can't come in as early before the store opens to do our morning tasks.

There are some days where we're scheduled to come in only an hour before the store opens. 
An hour. 

With all we have to do before work opens.
That is not enough.
Really its not enough.
Cleaning out the specific cages each day takes at minimum two hours. At Minimum. More often it takes 3 hours sometimes more depending on the circumstances.

And here we are....left with an hour to try and do cage cleanings and other tasks before we open.

It's not going to happen.

We're going to be left trying to do tasks that would have been done before the store opens while we're open.
Its going to be crazy.
Usually not many customers come in in the mornings.
So the stress won't be too bad. 

Of course, knowing that we're going to be short staffed and on a deadline we can't make...
The customers are going to be streaming in.
Its bound to happen.
I won't be surprised if I do.

Yah....this is going to be 'fun'
Until we can hire and train our new people. 
This is going to be 'fun.' 

-Sarnic Dirchi

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