Thursday, July 9, 2015

MLAARE -Communication Starving

It happens every now and then.
That we sell out of a particular animal.
And people still want to get that type.

Most of the time its the creatures that we usually only get one of.

And if they're willing to wait for us to get our next shipment of animals in,
We usually write down their name, number, and the animal they're interested in.
and then wait. Wait until it arrives.
And then call the customer to let them know that we now have the animal back in stock.

Last weekend, I had such a note.
A woman was looking to buy a Crested Gecko.
And we were out.
but we Got one in.
Knowing that she wanted it.
I called her, but got a voicemail.
So I left a message.
and then, decided to leave our "This cage is Empty" sign, in the cage the gecko was in.
To make sure no one else sold it before the woman could come in.
I told another coworker, expecting them to pass the word along about the sign.

Before I left for a three day weekend away from work.

But apparently....the word wasn't passed along.
And my other coworkers thought the cage was empty.
And when the person came into the store to get the animal...she was told the cage was empty. And left.
So when I came into work Monday morning, and checked the cage just to be sure...
I was unhappy to see that the gecko was still there.
And most likely hadn't been fed at all during that time. >.< *sighs*
so I called the woman back.
Got word on the situation, and she said she would be in later that day to grab the gecko.
So I left the sign in (and fed the Gecko), making sure to tell two of my coworkers with explicit instructions to tell the next coworker that there was actually a gecko in the cage and a woman was coming to get it.
So the next day, when I came in.
I checked the cage.
And thought it was empty. Yay! discover the day after....that the gecko was actually still in the cage!! (who knew where it was hiding as I thought I checked it really well... >.<)
Which probably hadn't been fed the last couple of days.
And unfortunately, I tossed the number, thinking the woman was going to come in...
(maybe she did and for one reason or another decided to not get it.)

In any case....
I made sure to feed the crested Gecko really well today,
And removed the sign.
Because was throwing people off. (since it IS used to indicate that the cage is empty, its not a surprise people would assume its empty.)

So, hopefully, with the sign out of the cage...
this Gecko can quickly find his way to a new home. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

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