Thursday, November 17, 2016

A Fluffy Surprise

I was expecting to get in Nine guinea pigs today with our weekly animal shipment.

Nine more than I needed.
When I already had 31 Guinea Pigs in the store.
I didn't need to have an even 40 before the day was out.

But I had prepared anyways.

Upon arriving.
The delivery guy announced that I wasn't getting Nine.
Apparently on his form we were supposed to receive just four Guinea Pigs.

But they hadn't sent me four.
Instead I was only receiving two guinea pigs. O.o

Out of Nine.

Apparently there's a 'shortage' of Guinea Pigs now?? O.o
Which is weird...since they've been sending me half a dozen for like a month now.
So why the random shortage?

I was grateful though.
Because I could deal with two more guinea pigs a lot easier than nine more.

The Delivery Guy and I both got a surprise when he opened up the container holding the two guinea pigs.

Because there weren't just two guinea pigs in there.

It took a moment for me to register what I was seeing.
But then I exclaimed

Because there, in the box with the two Guinea Pigs,
Was also a Chinchilla.

How it got there....neither of us knew lol.

The Guy seemed to think that his company was testing him for some reason.

Which...all things considered.
Could be possible.

As my store isn't currently receiving Chinchillas.
We stopped carrying them earlier in the Spring.
So to see one there in the store with the guinea pigs....

Was quite surprising. :)

I wish I could have kept it.
But the Chinchilla wasn't on my inventory, and we had no where to put it.

So it went back with the Delivery Guy.

I miss that Chinchilla already.
They were one of my favorite mammals to interact with in the store. :)

-Sarnic Dirchi

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