Monday, November 28, 2016

Moving Slow

There is a reason why we don't sell the fish from our display fish tanks.

I mean, we can sell the fish there.
But we try not to and discourage people from wanting those fish by saying that they're not for sale.

Why don't we sell the fish from our tanks?
1. They're impossible to catch quickly as the display tanks have more decorations and an awkward reach for catching fish.
2. The fish are older, so there's no guarantee that the fish will do well if moved to a new spot.
3. Fish are annoying to catch in display tanks.

So guess what I had to do today?

I had a customer insist that I catch one of the glofish from the display tanks.
Stating that one of the managers had said that she could have that fish.
(later found out it was a misunderstanding on her part.)
Why did she want that particular glofish?
From what I could gather it was because it was larger than the fish in the tanks that we had for sale.

And even though I explained that this fish was older, and it might not do well.
Said customer was insistent that I catch that fish.

So I did.


I was in no hurry to catch the fish.
As I didn't want to catch the fish in the first place.
So my net wasn't as quick.
And it helped that the fish was super good at disappearing within the tank and hiding in the decorations.

I mean, if I had moved quickly I could have caught the fish as soon as I stuck my net in the tank.
I didn't.
Because I was annoyed.
Annoyed at this customer because they wouldn't take no for an answer.
Annoyed that this customer was insistent on this fish when she'd already returned the same type of fish twice. Dead.

So I moved slowly.
Taking my time.
Replacing decorations as I displaced them to catch the fish.

Commenting every now and then that the fish on our wall were much easier to catch.

I have to give that customer some credit.
She was patient.
I must have taken at least 10 if not 15 minutes trying to catch that fish.

All the while hoping that she would get impatient and change her mind.
But no.
Her mind was set.
She wasn't leaving without that fish.

So I wasted her time.
But she did get the fish in the end.

Hopefully she doesn't expect more of them in the future. >.<
I don't sell fish from the display tanks.
The only reason I did now was I thought the manager had given permission.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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