Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Too Early To Call

Sometimes I wonder if people look at the clock before they call the store.
Or if the even look at the hours of our store before they call the store.

I mean, who else would call at SEVEN AM unless they obviously didn't know we weren't open yet?
Who in their right mind would think that any store is open that early?
Honestly, most stores open at Nine or Ten. Not SEVEN.

Yet, there I was at seven in the morning fielding a call from a customer.
Who of all things wanted to know if we carried adult bearded dragons and how much they were.

Obviously they've never come into the store before.
Because we don't sell adult anything.
Everything is young. Babies.
Especially bearded dragons.

Which I told the customer.
We only sold baby bearded dragons.
They said "thanks" and then hung up.

Honestly though.
Who is UP at SEVEN in the morning and thinks "I want to call a pet store and ask if they have adult bearded dragons?"

Crazies. Go back to bed.

-Sarnic Dirchi

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